How to PosterJam

You have one month to make posters based on the word given.

Each month, we challenge those who want to promote their graphic design skills to create posters based on a given word. At the end of each edition, all the submissions are promoted through our website, Facebook and Instagram page.

For each edition we select three posters to be displayed in various locations in Bucharest. We choose the posters based on three criteria: aestethics, concept and technique.

Also, through our newsletter, each month we promote one of the participants and their work in the PosterJam Designer Showcase series.

Send your proposalsusing the form provided here:

When you send your posters please consider the following:

-You can send as many posters as you like

-Name the file with your name and the word so we know it is yours

-The posters should be 50x70cm at 300 dpi or 5906x8268px, so if it’s selected we can print it.

-The file should be .jpg or .png

*Do not forget to include a link to your portfolio and/or instagram profile

If you have questions you can write to us at